How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

a graphic art of workers putting a dental implant

How long do you think tooth implants will last? If you’re thinking about getting dental implants to replace lost teeth, it’s important to know how long they last and what factors can change that.

Dental implants are a great long-term solution for replacing lost teeth because they are stable, work well, and make your smile look better.

In this complete guide, we’ll talk about everything you need to know about dental implants, including how long they last, what they’re good for, how they’re put in, how to take care of them, how they compare to other dental prosthetics, and the great dental implant services available at Addison Family Dentistry.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a lasting way to replace a missing tooth that looks, feels, and works like a real one. It has three major parts: an implant post made of titanium, an anchor, and a tooth cap. The implant post is carefully put into the jawbone. This gives the new tooth a stable base.

Why is it Important?

Like a captain steering a ship, dental implants guide your oral health in the right direction. They provide the anchor for artificial teeth—crowns, bridges, or dentures. But the perks don’t end there.

The Benefits Of Having Dental Implants

  • Natural Look and Feel: Dental implants look and feel a lot like natural teeth, so they blend in well with your smile.
  • Better Chewing and Speaking: Unlike dentures that can be taken out, dental implants make it easy to chew and speak clearly.
  • Longevity and Durability: Dental implants are made to last long if cared for and maintained properly.
  • Bone Structure: Implants help keep the structure of the jawline by encouraging normal bone growth and stopping bone loss.
  • Support for the Face and Jawbone: Dental implants support the face and jawbone, avoiding the droopy look that is often caused by lost teeth.
  • Convenience: Implants make life easier because you don’t have to use messy glues or take them out to clean them.
  • Boosted Confidence: Dental implants fix your smile, which makes you feel better about yourself and gives you more confidence in social settings.

Dental Implants Procedure

several dental tools on a blue tray

The dental implant procedure involves several stages, each essential for a successful and long-lasting result. Here’s a breakdown of the procedure:

Damaged Tooth Removal

If you have a broken or rotting tooth in the spot where the implant will go, it will need to be taken out before the implant process can begin.

Jawbone Preparation

In some cases, a patient may need a jawbone graft to increase the bone mass and make sure the implant has a strong base. This step is needed when there isn’t enough bone to hold the implant in place.

Dental Implant Placement

Once the jawbone is ready, the tooth implant post is put into the bone with surgery. This post works as the new tooth’s root and helps keep the crown in place.

Bone Growth and Healing

After an implant is put in, it takes several months for the body to heal. During this time, the implant joins with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration, making a strong base.

What Affects The Lifespan Of Dental Implants?

a dentist performing a dental procedure on his patient

Oral Health

Dental implants will last longer if you take care of your teeth and gums. Gum disease can be prevented, and supporting structures can stay healthy if you brush, floss, and visit the dentist regularly.

Lifestyle Choices

Smoking and drinking too many beverages can shorten the life of oral implants. These habits can slow down the mending process and make the implant more likely to fail.

Injury or Damage

Trauma or damage to the mouth can make dental implants less stable and unreliable. During active exercises or contact sports, wearing a shield to protect your implants is important.

Medical Conditions

Diabetes or an autoimmune disease can slow the mending process and make problems more likely to happen. Before getting implant surgery, talking to your doctor about your health background is important.

Understanding the Costs of Dental Implants

Let’s talk turkey! Dental implants can be costly, but they’re a bang for your buck.

Insurance and Payment Plans

There are different kinds of dental insurance plans, and some may cover implants in full or in part. It’s best to talk to your dental insurance company to determine your perks.

Also, many dentist offices offer flexible payment plans to help make the cost of getting a tooth implant more manageable.

Maintenance of Dental Implants

Daily Cleaning

At least twice a day, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth. When you floss every day, make sure to clean around the implant.

Regular Dental Check-ups and Cleaning

Visit your dentist regularly for checkups and skilled cleanings. This lets your dentist keep an eye on how your implants are doing and catch any problems early.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last Compared to Other Dental Prosthetics?

When evaluating dental restoration options, it’s essential to consider longevity. Dental implants stand out as a remarkably durable option. Let’s compare their lifespan to other dental prosthetics:

Dental Bridges

  • Lifespan: They generally last for about 10–15 years.
  • Factors Affecting Lifespan: The condition of supporting teeth and overall oral hygiene


  • Lifespan: Typically, they need replacement every 7–10 years.
  • Factors Affecting Lifespan: The fit of the dentures, changes in the jawbone, and maintenance practices


  • Lifespan: On average, it lasts for about 10–15 years.
  • Factors Affecting Lifespan: The material of the veneers, oral hygiene, and any habits like teeth grinding.

Dental Implants

  • Lifespan: With proper care, dental implants can last upwards of 25 years and often a lifetime.
  • Factors Affecting Lifespan: Oral hygiene, lifestyle choices, and regular dental check-ups

Clearly, dental implants are distinguished in terms of longevity, especially when maintained properly. This durability makes them an excellent long-term investment for oral health and aesthetics.

Reasons Why You Need an Implant

Are cavities partying too hard? Are periodontal issues kicking in? These are a couple of reasons why you might need an implant.

  • Better Oral Function: Dental implants help you bite, chew, and speak again, which improves your mouth function as a whole.
  • Prevents Bone Loss: Losing teeth can cause bone loss in the jaw, which can make the face look older and sag. Dental implants encourage bone growth and help keep the structure of the jawbone.
  • Increases Confidence: Dental implants are a lasting and natural-looking way to replace lost teeth, boosting your self-esteem and giving you more confidence in social situations.

When to Get a Dental Implant

If you’re thinking about getting a tooth implant, the right time can depend on your situation. You should talk to a dentist at Addison Family Dentistry to find the best time to put in your implant.

Things like mouth health, bone structure, and the state of the teeth around the area will be taken into account.

Dental Implant at Addison Family Dentistry

Why choose Addison Family Dentistry?

Our team of seasoned professionals is ready to set sail on your dental implant journey with you. We also have state-of-the-art facilities, expert care, and a welcoming environment.

Book an appointment today!


photo showing the installation of a dental implants post

So, how long do dental implants last? A lifetime with the right care! They’re an all-in-one package: function, aesthetics, and longevity.

Don’t let the initial costs deter you; consider it a long-term investment in your sparkling smile. Addison Family Dentistry is waiting with open arms!


Is the procedure painful?

The dental implant procedure itself is not painful, as it is performed under local anesthesia. This means that the mouth will be numb during the procedure. However, after the anesthesia wears off, some discomfort or mild pain may occur.

The dentist may prescribe pain medication, and using a cold pack can also be beneficial in reducing any swelling and pain.

How long does a dental cleaning take?

Dental cleaning usually takes around 30 minutes to an hour. During this time, the dental hygienist or dentist will remove plaque and tartar from the teeth and gum line, followed by polishing the teeth. The duration might vary based on the individual’s oral hygiene.

For those with dental implants, it is particularly important to ensure regular cleaning to maintain the health of the implants.

Can I eat immediately after getting a dental implant?

It is advisable to wait until the anesthesia wears off before eating to avoid accidentally biting the cheek or tongue. In the days following the procedure, it’s best to eat soft foods and avoid anything too hot or cold.

Gradually, as the healing progresses, more solid foods can be safe to consume.

Are dental implants safe?

Yes, dental implants have a high success rate and are considered safe. Some risks and complications can arise, like any surgical procedure, but these are relatively rare.

The materials used in dental implants are biocompatible and fuse well with the jawbone. Choosing an experienced dental professional and following all postoperative care instructions is crucial.

Can dental implants get cavities?

Dental implants themselves cannot get cavities, as they are made from materials that are not susceptible to decay.

However, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene because the gums and natural teeth around the implant can still be affected by bacteria and plaque, which could potentially compromise the implant.

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